Monday, September 26, 2011

Jedi Profile:Luke Skywalker
     Luke Skywalker is in my opinion one of the greatest Jedi of all-time. I thinks this because he was the Chosen One. Also, he managed to turn Darth Vader away from the dark side, right before Vader died. He also was able to lead the Rebels through the war with the stronger and well-equipped Empire. Besides being a Jedi, he was also one of the best pilots in the Rebel forces. Also, he succeeded in destroying the 1st Death Star. Here is a video of his battle against Darth Vader before Vader throws the Emperor in to a bottomless pit on the 2nd Death Star.


  Hi, my name is Christopher and I'm creating a blog about my favorite stuff. This stuff may include Star Wars,Legos,and hockey. My brother is the creator of Hockey World(, so be sure to check out that website, too. I hope you enjoy my future posts and answer the polls and comment and all the good stuff.

P.S. Blue is my favorite color :)